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Week 8 - New Heaven and Earth
"Through the Word App" Chapter by Chapter of Revelation

Jewels in Heaven - How they reaffirm the inspiration of Scripture
What will heaven be like?
Francis Chan - Living for Eternity
Week 7 - Christ's Return, Final Battle, and the Millennium
"Through the Word App" Chapter by Chapter of Revelation

3 views (Premillennial, Postmillennial, Amillennial)
Postmillennialism seems to honor the power of the gospel and the promises for the Old Testament for the triumph of God’s people over all the nations. Amillennialism seems to honor the warnings of bleak end times as well as the seamlessness between Christ’s coming and the immediate destruction of death, the removal of the enemies of the cross, and the beginning of the new heavens and new earth. Premillennialism seems to honor the plainest meaning of Revelation 20 and the seemingly literal meaning of many Old Testament promises
Week 6 - Fall of Babylon
"Through the Word App" Chapter by Chapter of Revelation

Youtuber Goes Exploring The Babylon Ruins
He sees what some believe to be the remains of the Tower of Babel, and the rebuilt city of Saddam Heusen.
What is Babylon Today?
Week 5 - Antichrist / Mark of the best
"Through the Word App" Chapter by Chapter of Revelation
"Gematria" - Greek Hebrew Numbering
How Islam might factor into the Antichrist / End times scenario
Watch specifically at the 18 min mark and beyond.
How American Politics Can "Serve the Dragon"
Watch specifically at the 24-26 min mark.