Author Archives: admin

Taiwan Team

If you’d like to give to one of our Taiwan team members, click their link below. Jennifer Westerman Bob Westerman Natalie Westerman Ryan Smith Forest Klein Sarah Hickman Tim Erler

Nepal Team

If you’d like to give to one of our Nepal team members, click their link below. Roger Bodenstab Bronson Rhodes (Bodenstab) Shelby Bodenstab Kim Eberwein Anna Oliver

Africa Team

If you’d like to give to one of our Africa team members, click their link below. Brea Johnson Jadyn Johnson Tammy McFarland

Help with Addiction

If you need help breaking the chains of addiction, here are some helpful resources to help.

Listen to Messages

Missed a week? Catch up on previous messages here.

Steer Raffle Postponed

Our steer raffle has been postponed due to the Coronavirus. Tickets are still on sale, and previously sold tickets are still valid, but the drawing date is moving back to a time TBD.

Women’s Ministries


Drug & Alcohol Addiction

If you or someone you love might have a drug or drinking problem, we would love to have you attend our Celebrate Recovery service which meets every Tuesday night at First Baptist Church.

Pornography Addiction

If you’re struggling with sexual sin, you need to know that you’re not alone. There are millions of people who are struggling right there alongside of you. Having dealt with many of these issues ourselves, our staff has put together … Read More